Hepatitis B Vaccine

Item: Hepatitis B Adult
Schedule: Course of Three
Price (per dose): £66

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Item: Hepatitis B Child
Schedule: Course of Three
Price (per dose): £55

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Liverpool Street

Liverpool Street

London Vaccination Clinic Spaces
35 New Broad Street, London

London Bridge

London Bridge

8 St Thomas Street



Office 203
239 Kensington High St
W8 6SN



Office 14
Hanover Square, London

Hepatitis B is a viral infection that affects the liver. It can be transmitted through contact with infected blood or body fluids, such as during unprotected sex, sharing needles, or from an infected mother to her baby during childbirth. The virus can also be spread through close household contact with an infected person. Hepatitis B can last on surface for 7 days! Hepatitis B can cause both acute and chronic infections, with chronic cases lasting longer than six months. Symptoms can vary and may include fatigue, abdominal pain, jaundice, and loss of appetite. Treatment focuses on managing symptoms and reducing the risk of complications. Regular monitoring is necessary for individuals with chronic hepatitis B to assess liver function and viral activity.

To minimise the risk of hepatitis B transmission:

  • Get vaccinated – Ensure you and your family members are vaccinated against hepatitis B.
  • Practice safe sex – Use barrier methods, like condoms, to reduce transmission during sexual activity.
  • Avoid sharing needles – Do not share needles or other drug paraphernalia.
  • Practice proper hygiene – Avoid sharing personal care items that may come into contact with blood or body fluids.
  • Be cautious during medical procedures – Ensure healthcare providers follow infection control protocols and use sterile equipment.

The Hepatitis B vaccine can be given as a single vaccine or combined with Hepatitis A. The vaccine is an inactivated vaccine.

Hepatitis B is now included as part of the UK vaccination schedule for babies. Vaccine name – Engerix B, Twinrix (Hepatitis B/Hepatitis A), HB Vax Pro – they all provide good protection
Property – An inactivated vaccine given by injection into the deltoid muscle of your arm
Course – There are multiple vaccine schedules for hepatitis B vaccine, it can be given at day 0, 7, 21 days booster 12 months, 0, 1, 2 months booster 12 months or 0,1, 6 months
Booster – Generally not recommended, recommended at 5 years for health care workers and certain other risk groups.
Side effects – Mild pain, redness or swelling at the site of the injection. Sometimes feeling generally unwell.
Special Certificate requirement – None
Special instructions – Like many clinics we use several brands of vaccine, all of which work equally well. We sometimes use a different booster to the first injection, which is also fine

Generally thought to provide life long protection

At London Vaccination Clinic

£66 per dose for adults, £55 per dose for children

Our London Travel Clinics

All 4 of our centrally located travel clinics are convenient for people living and working in London. Liverpool Street, London Bridge, High St Kensington, and Mayfair. We are open early morning, lunchtime, evening and weekends and provide all of the vaccinations and medications that you need.